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The art economy

An Evolution of society from the Avant-Garde. 

Publish to Pietra

Pietra's economic system creates a new type of internet that is publicly owned and accessed. We give the power of this platform to Artists: Coders, film-makers, pod-casters, photographers, musicians, writers, and all creative uses of the platform, rewarding all we do as a country that brings value to our community.  We pay our artists directly with newly generated money that enters the Pietra economy through the creators system. This incentivizes the use of the system, and incentivizes ingenuity and development of the platform with increased functionality.

No more ad-agences. No middle-men who skim the profits from your creative work. A platform that incentivizes, and rewards, collaboration.


Example 1: Pietrify Music  

This is an example of a music streaming platform on our network. You can see how Citizens upload songs, create playlists, program discovery algorithms, and make modules. Every creator involved gets rewarded each time another citizen uses their work.  


Share Data

Avoid Information Silos

Go to market faster through collaboration

Cultural work often takes a lot of upfront capital to go all the way to market before yielding returns on creators' upfront investments. As art scales, this issue increases as evidenced with complex mediums like News, Music, Films, Television, and VR. Pietra helps artists get to the market by providing intermediate steps and opportunities that did not exist in the ad-based & ticket based systems. 


Artificial Intelligence

A platform for AIs, Neural networks, and Symbolic Systems

Creative citizens, creative computing

Automation and Artificial Intelligence are limited to the reaches of human expression. AIs learn from large, rich data sources created by conglomerations of human expressions. Pietra creates a platform for artists to use their work in AI designs while being tracked and remunerated! The protection of Citizens Copyrights for specific use in AI design is essential to uphold the role of creativity in our citizenry as we move forward to a leisure based society. 


Dynamic SystemsUsing our dynamic content block system, the Pietra Network tracks content ensuring thorough media DRM. This is a predictive example of Pietra's robust integration with common game engines, allowing a user to dynamically load a text fo…

Dynamic Systems

Using our dynamic content block system, the Pietra Network tracks content ensuring thorough media DRM. This is a predictive example of Pietra's robust integration with common game engines, allowing a user to dynamically load a text for a book file.


New technology, new possibilities

In this example, a game designer uses our content block system to create a block containing 3D data in order to track the location of the object: a note in a 3d game world. That, "Note's" content block includes a  text file that is updated and tracked. So this digital note can be written on updated. All of which is stored dynamically over the cloud. This can enable new types of interactions like hiding and leaving notes in an MMO type game with out the need for persistent servers. 



New Revenue sources 

Old media companies that control large libraries of content can upload their legacy content to the Pietra network in order to generate income from viewership of already created works. Legacy media companies that govern large historic data sets can, through clever programming and highlighting relevant materials, increase the viewership of their pre-made content, and generate income directly, without the need to sell ads or access.